Mercy Manor Exists to Promote Healthy Choices for Future Families.


Mercy Manor Exists to Promote Healthy Choices for Future Families. -


Are you (or is someone you know) experiencing an unplanned pregnancy?

We understand pregnancy and parenting can be overwhelming and expensive! If you or someone you know is experiencing an unplanned pregnancy or have young children and need assistance, check out our pregnancy and parenting classes. We provided weekly classes over modern adoption, pregnancy, goal planning, financial stability, and so much more!

Classes meet from 6-8pm on Monday and Thursday evenings.

- Dinner provided for signed up participants

- Gain lifelong parenting skills and knowledge

- Earn necessary baby items (Diapers, wipes, car seats, and more)

*Check out our Events tab to view upcoming classes.

We currently offer four (4) classes rotationally for each client:

  • Foundations of Pregnancy

  • Overcoming Debt and Managing Finances

  • Looking Forward (Goal Planning)

  • Nutrition and Health


Our staff educates our clients on positive solutions. Once our clients select a plan that is best for them and their baby, we walk alongside them and help them succeed at their plan.


Through group “Blue Skies” sessions, our clients are empowered to see a positive and prosperous future for both them and their babies.


Mercy Manor offers quarterly classes to educate our clients about proper nutrition for both them and their baby.


We offer Abstinence Until Marriage/Risk Avoidance classes free to local schools and to our pregnant clients as RENEWED ABSTINENCE.


Through partnerships with local licensed counselors and local churches, our clients can receive individualized care and the professional support they need.


By utilizing local resources and partnerships, we guide our clients as they transition from dependent to independent living.

Sign Up Now

Classes tailored towards expecting individuals, couples and parents seeking to educate themselves while earning necessary baby items in our Earn While You Learn pregnancy and parenting classes. Sign up below and get registered today!