Mercy Manor Exists to Promote Healthy Choices for Future Families.
“You feel very isolated and alone, and that’s the driving force behind the idea of Mercy Manor…to speak life into these young ladies and let them know they’re not defined by their circumstances, and we have a sovereign God who can take the most hurtful of situations and turn it into something powerful.”
Mercy Manor was founded in 2013 after Texas Legislation did away with maternity home licensing. All long-term housing was approved for those 18 years of age and older.
This left a large number of girls ages 13-17 requesting help with no place to go.
Having experienced a teen pregnancy at the age of 16, Stephanie Fears (Founder & Executive Director) understands the fear, confusion, chaos, guilt, and shame that comes with a teen pregnancy. Abortion was encouraged, but it was not an option they would consider.
She praises God every day that her heart was burdened for that precious child to have life!
It was Stephanie’s compassion for these young ladies that birthed our ministry.
For Stephanie and her family, they chose adoption, and after reuniting with her son 20 years later, she has been able to witness the benefits of the alternatives to abortion. She has seen the productive life her son is living, gained a personal relationship with his adoptive parents, and heard the blessing this young man has been in the lives of those desperately wanting to have and love a child of their own!
Throughout the last few years, by God’s grace, Mercy Manor has continued to grow. As a ministry, they have expanded their services, and they are now serving individuals of all ages who find themselves facing a crisis pregnancy.
Stephanie with her son & his daughter—3 generations because of a positive solution.